Whaleoil to be investigated again

Tuesday 12 January 2010, 9:32AM

By New Zealand Police



Nelson Bays Police Area Commander, Detective Inspector John Winter, confirmed today that Police will investigate the deliberate breach of a suppression order by an Auckland-based website yesterday.

Detective Inspector Winter said the site used computer coding to mask the text which was not then freely readable. However, when converted, it named the Nelson man charged last week with indecent assault on a girl aged between 12 and 16.

Police technical staff and TV3 news were amongst those able to decrypt the website entry.

Mr Winter said that he was in liaison with Police legal section over the actions of the website manager.

The man believed to be behind the blog entry was already facing charges for deliberate breaches of suppression orders.

Such action in defiance of a Court order was irresponsible and would also lead to potential identity of the young victim, an act prohibited by law.