Cricket Lovers: Get behind Haitian Aid Efforts

Friday 22 January 2010, 8:35AM

By Wellington City Council




Wellington City Council is encouraging people to head along to the Basin Reserve this Friday at 5.00pm to support the relief efforts in Haiti while watching some scintillating Twenty20 cricket.

Following the devastation wrought on Haiti by last week's earthquake, Cricket Wellington has decided to use Friday's Twenty20 match between the Wellington Firebirds and the Central stags to raise funds to support victims of the disaster.

Dubbed 'Howzat for Haiti', 20 percent of all gate sales for the match will be donated to UNICEF's aid efforts in the crisis-stricken nation.

Former test cricketer Councillor John Morrison will be at the game and he's hopeful plenty of local cricket lovers will get behind this extremely worthy cause.

"Like all Wellingtonians, I've been shocked and disturbed by the tragic images coming out of Haiti. It's an astonishingly cruel twist of fate that a disaster of this scale has struck one of the world's poorest nations - so it's vital we all do what we can to support the relief efforts.

"We're a pretty compassionate bunch here in the Capital, and we love our sport too, so I reckon we'll get great a crowd at the Basin on Friday - hopefully a sell-out."

As well as donating a portion of the gate takings, Cricket Wellington is raising funds with Trademe auctions and collections at the ground during the match. People are also encouraged to give generously by calling UNICEF's donation hotline on 0800 800 124.

Match Details:

Wellington Firebirds vs Central Stags

Allied Nationwide Finance Basin Reserve

Friday 22 January, 5.00pm - 8.00pm

Tickets: adults $15, children $5, family passes (two adults, two children) $35

Related Links

Howzat 4 haiti - Trademe website