'Your time is up' victim told

Saturday 18 August 2007, 10:08AM




Buck Kingi told his stepfather his time was up as he stabbed him and unleashed a dog on him.

The 37-year-old was this week jailed for five years for wounding his stepfather with intent to cause him grievous bodily harm.

Kingi and his partner moved in with her mother and stepfather last year. Kingi was asked to leave and eventually but reluctantly did, Judge James Weir told the Rotorua District Court at sentencing.

During the early hours of September 13 Kingi returned to the house and started throwing stones at his partner's bedroom window. She told him to leave but he would not.

Her stepfather went outside and Kingi unleashed his pitbull terrier on him and showed his stepfather that he had knife.

The stepfather was handed a pick axe for protection and threw it at Kingi but it missed him. They began fighting and the dog grabbed the victim's arm before Kingi stabbed his stepfather underneath his right armpit.

Kingi was heard to say, "I have got you now ... your time is up. You won't be able to look after your family now."

Kingi fled and police found him in Te Aroha nine days later.

The victim needed emergency surgery and was lucky to be alive, Judge Weir said. He had a very deep cut but the knife missed the organs and he was left with a 50cm scar.

Kingi, who is unemployed and of no fixed abode, had previously pleaded guilty to the wounding charge. He has 51 previous convictions including seven for violence.

Judge Weir also noted pitbull terriers were often used as fashion accessories by those who had a propensity for violence.

He told Kingi that he was lucky he was not facing more serious charges.

Kingi's lawyer Prue McGuire said her client was remorseful and he had pleaded guilty early to the charge. He wanted to take part in various programmes while in prison which showed he was serious about making changes.

Kingi was convicted and discharged on a charge of intentional damage.