Weather Stations Will Enhance District Coverage for Rural Fire

Tararua District Council

Wednesday 3 March 2010, 9:29AM

By Tararua District Council



Tararua’s rural fire information coverage will be enhanced by the addition of two new stations in the district.

Locations chosen are on the hills at Akitio – to be financed by NIWA as a shared site - and east of Pahiatua in a local land owner, National Rural Fire Authority and Tararua District Council partnership.

They join three other existing rural fire weather stations at Dannevirke, Waione and Alfredton.
The new stations are due to be completed by May at a cost of $20,000 each, district resilience manager Paddy Driver said. However, they are being subsidised a total amount of $35,000 leaving a balance of $5,000 to be paid by Council

“We will get a better cover of the area with added information provided by the weather stations, with the data received enabling us to make a more informed decision when setting or lifting fire restrictions. Data from our weather stations is processed through the Fire Weather Index system using calculations based on ground moisture content, humidity, wind speed and other factors. This enables us to back up our decisions base on both experience and scientific evidence,” he said.

Other initiatives to strengthen rural fire facilities include pager units for rural fire party fire fighters and moves for the fire party at Tiraumea to re-join the Tararua Rural Fire Authority.

Meanwhile as an education, measure Mr Driver is providing Civil Defence radio training to primary schools starting with Tiraumea and Alfredton. Many are situated in remote areas and double as the local Civil Defence Centre.

The children have a radio that connects to the Civil Defence Emergency Operations Centre in Dannevirke and carry out weekly radio checks. Mr Driver said that the scheme is beneficial to both the children and the Tararua Civil Defence effort and is really appreciated by the Council.

At the end of the year, providing they have completed the training and carried out six radio checks, they receive a certificate from the Mayor and a small gift.