Remote sales approach lands offshore clients.

Wednesday 22 August 2007, 11:34AM



New Zealand companies competing in international markets are often as David was to Goliath, small, seemingly insignificant, inconsequential in terms of size and often with pebble like marketing and sales budgets.

But with the right aim and a very good slingshot New Zealand companies can fell the international giant and bend their corner of the market by targeting customers in effective and efficient manners.

New Zealand's ProActive software has managed to hit Goliath right between the eyes by developing internal systems and technology to sort and manage sales leads to allow for geographic regions and time zones across the globe, giving ProActive's staff time to maximize hot sales leads during the limited working hours in New Zealand.

Mastering the slingshot, which has now become VOIP, Skype and video conferencing, ProActive sales staff can approach offshore clients, who are open to online collaborative sales discussions, in highly responsive manners which suit the ever evolving international market place.

ProActive have been well positioned in the New Zealand Software as a Service (SaaS) market for the past four years and recent dealings with USA fashion giant Fossil was managed end to end, remotely, with no face to face contact.

"Though smart use of available technology we've made about 99% of all sales at ProActive remotely; 80% of these are to offshore companies," says ProActive CEO Julian Stone who has been involved in online business in many forms since the inception of the Internet. 

Stone is again producing more evidence that leading edge communication coupled with a real problem-solving product is the new slingshot needed to conquer the Goliath which is the US market.

Stone has worked with thousands of clients in the past four years each needing their own unique solutions and ProActive has often provided those solutions with out and face to face contact.

Stone says New Zealand companies, like ProActive, need to harness the experience they have in targeting local customers and apply the technologies available to conquering international markets.