Fatal car crash, SH1 Waiouru, 2 dead

New Zealand Police

Monday 5 April 2010, 7:55AM

By New Zealand Police



Police are investigating a head on crash that occurred on SH1 north of Waiouru that left two people dead, on Sunday the 4th May.

A Toyota Camry travelling north on SH1 that was overtaking a truck, collided head on with a Mitsubishi Stationwagon approximately 8.6 kms north of Waiouru. The truck attempted to stop and avoid the vehicles but was unable to as they collided right in front of him.

The front passengers in both vehicles died at the scene. Both drivers were seriously injured and had to be cut from the vehicles and flown to hospital. The three remaining passengers of the Camry were also injured and taken to hospital.

Police are reminding drivers to be careful and extra vigilant when overtaking vehicles, especially when crossing the centreline into the path of oncoming traffic. The law stipulates drivers must have 100 metres of clear visibility when overtaking.

We are also reminding people to wear their seatbelts, as one of the passengers in one of the vehicles was not. Drivers also have a moral responsibility to ensure passengers are wearing their seatbelts as it is proven that seatbelts save lives.

All enquiries to O/C Taihape Station, Acting Sergeant ALABASTER, (06) 388-2170.