Nelson in final four for Model Communities funding

Thursday 15 April 2010, 3:29PM

By Nelson City Council



There’s a growing sense of excitement in cycling and walking circles with Nelson selected as a top four town to move into a final application round for $7million of New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) “Model Communities” funding. Highly ranked by NZTA, Nelson will join Taupo, New Plymouth, and Hastings to make final proposals by the end of the month.

The Model Communities project is a key part of the national “Getting There” walking and cycling strategy, which aims to develop walking and cycling environments that are as safe and simple to use as to travel by car, thereby reducing traffic congestion.

The Model Communities fund offers opportunities for additional infrastructure development (e.g. shared pathways and road widening) as well as awareness and support programmes (e.g. improved cycle parking facilities in the CBD). NZTA are particularly focussing on women and children in communities, demographics that have low participation in walking and cycling.

Mayor Kerry Marshall says, “It’s a huge tribute for Nelson to have come through the first round. It recognises that Nelson has been committed to sustainable ideals and further, that the NZTA believes, with that commitment, we have a high chance of being successful and modelling the way.”

“We now find ourselves perched on the edge of something huge. The opportunities this funding could potentially unlock for our community would change the face of Nelson, advancing Council-funded development by light years.”

The Nelson bid details widespread developments including an off-road cycle and pedestrian path on Rocks Road, additional cycling facilities to the Richmond Deviation, the Brook, the Waimea Road/Ridgeway/Suffolk Road, a Poorman’s Stream connection from Isel Park across the main road, and widening the Maitai River shared pathway.

Key stakeholders* in the potential development, are now rallying around Council staff to work on the proposal in a series of workshops.

Dr John Moore, Chair of the Community and Public Health Advisory Committee of the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board, one of the stakeholders, says “We are keen to do what we can to support this exciting bid. Success will substantially speed up access to safe walking and cycling across the community and enable a more active and healthy lifestyle for many. In addition it supports the Nelson Regional Transport Strategy in its’ public health and traffic congestion aims.”

Mayor Kerry Marshall adds, “We want to give NZTA a strong idea of our unity and absolute commitment to make this work. We need to demonstrate that we already lead the way in making cycling or walking a simple and safe option for all our people, and if the government wants a model community to show the rest of New Zealand how it’s done, Nelson’s that community.”


Tasman District Council

Nelson Marlborough District Health Board

Heart Foundation and Nelson Events

Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce

Nelson Tasman Tourism

Bicycle Nelson Bays / CAN

Walk Nelson Tasman

NZ Automobile Association

Tasman Regional Sports Trust

Nelson Mountain Bike Club