Parking Review Cases Settled

Dunedin City Council

Tuesday 27 April 2010, 9:21AM

By Dunedin City Council



A Dunedin City Council Working Party has completed dealing with a host of complaints about the city’s new parking laws.

Councillor Syd Brown, who heads the Parking Review Working Party, says the group has dealt with the last of the original problems that arose from a citywide parking review last year.

The review made substantial changes to parking across the city, particularly in the central business district.

A number of residents and business owners felt they were worse off under the new provisions complained to the Council, which led to the formation of the Working Party to review the changes.

A final package of 27 cases has now been dealt with and the Working Party has negotiated settlements in about 95% of those cases.

“We looked at every issue individually, considering the hardship caused by the changes and measuring that against the public good,” Cr Brown says.

“We listened to everything with an open mind and, where possible, looked for a win-win situation. This brings to an end the bedding in of the parking review, but the Working Party will stay in place to handle further requests, meeting on an ‘as needed basis’,” he says.

The Working Party included representatives from the Council, the Otago Chamber of Commerce, a community representative, the Otago Area Health Board and the University of Otago.