Save the whales rally in Wellington on June 2

Wednesday 26 May 2010, 8:51AM

By Greenpeace Aotearoa



A public rally in front of parliament next Wednesday, June 2, will deliver thousands of petitions urging the Government to save whales, not whaling.

The rally has been organised ahead of the mid June meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) when a decision is expected on a proposal which could spell disaster for the whales or secure their future.

The Government said the proposal was “unacceptable” after details were released on April 23. Rather than abandon the proposal thousands of New Zealanders have called on the Government to fight for a stronger deal which protects the future of the world’s whales.

The lunchtime rally, starting at 12.30pm, will be addressed by Karli Thomas of Greenpeace, Kauahi Ngapora of Whale Watch Kaikoura and Bridget Vercoe of World Society for the Protection of Animals.

One of the event organisers, Greenpeace volunteer Jessie Dennis, of Wellington, said a good turnout was expected as whale conservation was part of the country’s national identity.

“It’s important to Kiwis that our Government upholds New Zealand’s long tradition of whale conservation and welfare,” she said.

Last month around 200 Greenpeace supporters held a peaceful protest outside the Beehive on the day details of the IWC proposal were announced. They carried whale tail placards symbolising what was at stake saying a whale graveyard would be the outcome if the Government did not make a choice in the long term interests of whales.

The ‘Save the Whales’ rally is being organised by Greenpeace, Forest and Bird, Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, World Society for the Protection of Animals and Project Jonah.