New Zealand must condemn attack on Gaza relief flotilla

Tuesday 1 June 2010, 7:00AM

By Alliance Party


The Alliance Party says the Israeli attack on the humanitarian flotilla carrying aid to Gaza deserves international condemnation.

Alliance Party co-leader Kay Murray says the New Zealand government must immediately denounce the attack in the strongest possible terms.

The attack took place in international waters when boats in the flotilla were boarded by Israeli naval commandos. At least 10 people are reported dead and another 30 injured.

Israel has refused to allow ships bearing humanitarian aid into Gaza waters since early 2009 despite condemnation from aid agencies and even the United Nations for doing so.

This has devastated the local economy and left Gazans without essential supplies including building materials to repair homes damaged in Israeli attacks.

The Alliance Party says that there is no excuse for Israel's actions in either denying vessels carrying aid entry to Gaza waters or the outrageous attack on an unarmed flotilla.