Papakura council takes "berm-parkers" to task

Wednesday 2 June 2010, 7:25AM

By Papakura District Council



People who park across driveways or on the Council-owned roadside berm in Papakura are on notice: they stand to receive fines for their inconsiderate parking.

Parking bylaws in the district were updated in late 2009 to include fines for inconsiderate and dangerous parking practices in the district. Papakura District Council’s traffic enforcement contractors ACS are now focussing on illegal driveway and berm parking.

Owners of vehicles that are ticketed will face fines of $40 and $60.

The fresh emphasis comes as winter weather hits the district, meaning vehicles parked on grassed areas are likely to churn the surface to mud. Cars that park on the berm once it is in this state then create ruts that are unsightly and hard to restore to grass. The mess also migrates onto the footpath and can cause safety concerns for pedestrians.

Council staff say parking on the berm in urban areas can damage the kerb and underground infrastructure pipes and services in the area, especially if the vehicle is heavy.

Roadside parking outside residential properties in all urban areas of Papakura must be alongside the kerb. Parking in a way that wholly or partly obstructs the footpath is illegal.

People who park across the footpath in a driveway or vehicle crossing make it difficult for pedestrians to use the footpath and cause inconvenience to parents with small children who use baby buggies or prams, along with people using wheelchairs or mobility scooters.

The Council is also inviting members of the community to help identify problem parking in the district. People who see inconsiderate parking are encouraged to report it to the Council’s traffic wardens by phoning the Council on 295 1300 during business hours.