Papakura District Council

78 posts | 11 images

Papakura District Council is one of 59 District Councils in New Zealand and one of seven territorial local authorities covering the greater Auckland region.

Situated strategically 32km south of Auckland city, Papakura is in the unique position of being bordered on its north side by the greater Auckland suburbs, and on the south by some of the most striking countryside within New Zealand. Papakura's southern gateway function is emphasised by its position between the Harbour and the Hunua ranges.

Papakura District Council's physical address is:
35 Coles Crescent, Papakura

Joined October 2007
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News Images
Community 29 Oct 2010
Papakura's annual fireworks will go with a bang at new venue

PAPAKURA — A clown show and an exploding toilet will kick off the 2010 Papakura Fireworks display on November 5.


Council 19 Oct 2010
Papakura District Council secures Hingaia Recreation Land

PAPAKURA — In one of its final major “legacy” projects, Papakura District Council has agreed to purchase land on the Hingaia Peninsula to ensure that the area’s growing population has ample open space for recreational use.


Art 19 Oct 2010
Papakura through the artist's lens

PAPAKURA — An exhibition that captures the Papakura District will open at the Papakura Art Gallery on Friday 22 October 2010.


Traffic 2 Jun 2010
Papakura council takes "berm-parkers" to task

PAPAKURA — People who park across driveways or on the Council-owned roadside berm in Papakura are on notice: they stand to receive fines for their inconsiderate parking.


Building 27 May 2010
Mayor says leaky homes solution unfair

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council Mayor Calum Penrose says the Government’s proposed solution to the leaky homes issue will bring relief to owners of leaky homes and offer some kind of closure for them.


Fire 4 May 2010
Restricted fire season ends

PAPAKURA — Colder weather and the weekend’s rain have brought an end to the restricted fire season in Papakura.


Transport 29 Mar 2010
Beach Road improvements to start April 7

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council contractors will start road improvement work in the area of Beach Road at the intersections of Elliot Street and Chichester Drive on April 7.


Community 26 Mar 2010
Positive focus on youth in Papakura

PAPAKURA — Papakura young people are in focus this year with the announcement of the second annual Papakura Youth Awards and a continued high profile for the Papakura Youth Leadership Forum, which is now into its fourth year.


Earthquakes 8 Mar 2010
Latest tsunami highlights need for personal and family emergency plans

PAPAKURA — Figures released last week show that 15 per cent of New Zealanders have an emergency plan or enough food and water to survive for three days.


Fire 28 Jan 2010
Fire danger remains high in Papakura District

PAPAKURA — Recent rain showers may have given some relief for gardens and farms, but a restricted fire season across all of Papakura District remains in place and will not be lifted until there is “significant and sustained” rainfall.


Council 27 Jan 2010
Residents urged to make the most of Mill Road Corridor consultation opportunity

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council is urging residents to make the most of the current consultation period and have their say on options for the proposed eastern arterial route, known as the Mill Road Corridor.


Golf 18 Jan 2010
Community views sought on golf course land use restriction

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council is seeking the community’s views on lifting a restriction on land involved in a project proposed for Papakura Golf Course.


Council 13 Jan 2010
Draft Pukekiwiriki Reserve Management Plan

PAPAKURA — A draft management plan for Papakura District’s iconic Pukekiwiriki Reserve has been released for public comment by Papakura District Council and will be the subject of an information day at Redhill Community Centre.


Fire 11 Dec 2009
Papakura District restricted fire season in place form December 21

PAPAKURA — A restricted fire season will be in place in the Papakura District from Monday December 21.


Traffic 9 Dec 2009
Papakura Council to improve safety of "black spot" intersection

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council is taking action to reduce crashes at the District’s worst “black spot” intersection, where Spartan Road meets Great South Road in Takanini.


Council 9 Dec 2009
Papakura pushes to be unitary authority

PAPAKURA — Papakura is to seek the approval of the Minister of Local Government to become a unitary authority outside the jurisdiction of the coming Auckland supercity.


Council 2 Dec 2009
Wood Street land purchase will enhance central park

PAPAKURA — New entrance to lead from Railway Street West into park Purchase complements plans for adjacent land A new entrance to Central Park will result from work under way at 69 Wood Street.

Councillor Peter Jones at the site as work proceeds to remove old tree stumps and scrub and level the site for grassing.


Council 30 Nov 2009
Papakura confirms upgrade for Accent Point

PAPAKURA — Transformation will: Retain and emphasise the positive aspects of facility Bring library and museum onto street level Create a lasting asset for the community Papakura District Council has announced moves to enhance and revitalise the Accent Point complex in downtown Papakura.


Sport 14 Oct 2009
Papakura Trolley Derby is go!

PAPAKURA — Papakura families, service clubs, race fans are being challenged to enter the 2009 Papakura Blue Light Trolley Derby.

Constable PJ McNab, Councillor Peter Jones (in trolley) and Constable Matt Green.


Theatre 15 Sep 2009
Steel Ballerina comes to the Hawkins Theatre

PAPAKURA — A play that explores the idea of a creative expiry date, the private versus public face of a dancer and the tenacity involved in such an inspired career will feature at Papakura’s Hawkins Theatre early next month.


Building 26 Aug 2009
Illegal building demolished under court order

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council has today moved to enforce a court order for the removal of an illegal building in Oakleigh Avenue, Takanini.


Council 24 Aug 2009
Council considers Accent Point options

PAPAKURA — A need to improve access and ease of use for patrons of Papakura’s Ernest Clarke Memorial Museum and Sir Edmund Hillary Library at Accent Point is driving moves by Papakura District Council to develop options for the mall.


Building 24 Aug 2009
Leaky Homes costs will hit Papakura residents hardest

PAPAKURA — Ratepayers in Papakura should brace for a significant cost burden under the new Supercity if estimates of leaky homes resolution are correct, says Mayor Calum Penrose.


Business 15 Aug 2009
Papakura businesses focus on excellence

PAPAKURA —     Strong entries in 2009 business awards Venue confirmed for gala award dinner The search is on for Franklin and Papakura’s best businesses, and Papakura’s businesses have responded enthusiastically.


Theatre 15 Aug 2009
Whero's new net at Hawkins Theatre

PAPAKURA — Fresh from a highly acclaimed 2008 season which left audiences captivated at the Herald Theatre in Auckland, Massive Companys production of Wheros New Net will be performed at the Hawkins Theatre in Papakura.


Art 14 Aug 2009
Papakura potter's club's adventures with clay

PAPAKURA — The Papakura Potters are exploring vessels, vases and other containers in contemporary ceramics in an exhibition Adventures with Clay running until 12 September at Papakura Art Gallery.

Toos Van De Graaf with a selection of works that will feature in the exhibition


Art 14 Aug 2009
Journey through landscapes at Art Gallery

PAPAKURA — Jennifer Cruden is one of Papakura’s most vibrant artists and her work is on display this month at the Papakura Art Gallery.

The latest exhibition opening today in Gallery One at Papakura Art Gallery


Alcohol 11 Aug 2009
Papakura residents asked to think before they drink

PAPAKURA — A new campaign to discourage under-age drinking and those buying alcohol and supplying it to young people is sending a clear message to customers of liquor off-licence shops in Papakura.


Waste 3 Aug 2009
Cost force rubbish bag price increase

PAPAKURA — Increasing costs have driven up the price of rubbish bags in Papakura.


Waste 1 Aug 2009
Costs force rubbish bag price increase

PAPAKURA — Increasing costs have driven up the price of rubbish bags in Papakura.


Waste 31 Jul 2009
Papakura's 2009 inorganic collection underway

PAPAKURA —   “Inorganic means inorganic”.


Council 24 Jul 2009
Communities stand to lose out financially, says Mayor

AUCKLAND — The Government’s Supercity proposal will have a direct economic impact on communities like Papakura according to Mayor Calum Penrose.


Art 22 Jul 2009
Recycling is blooming at the art gallery

PAPAKURA — Papakura Art Gallery’s latest exhibition offers the perfect antidote for the winter “blues”.


Council 7 Jul 2009
Outrage over rejected submission

AUCKLAND — A Papakura resident has had her submission on the proposed Supercity rejected by the Select Committee.


Art 19 Jun 2009
Youth Art Award winners announced

PAPAKURA —   Torrential rain did not stop friends and family turning out to the Inaugural Papakura Youth Visual Art Competition Awards Night.


Health 18 Jun 2009
Papakura Council highlights need for flu pandemic awareness

PAPAKURA — With the global Influenza A H1N1 outbreak now classified as a pandemic, Papakura District Council is urging people to take steps to ensure they are able to manage through a period of illness or isolation.


Community 9 Jun 2009
Papakura news briefs

PAPAKURA — News briefs from Papakura District Council.


Politics 9 Jun 2009
Mayor questions neutrality as PM endorses "Super" Banks

AUCKLAND — The National Government is not delivering on its promises to the people of Auckland and local MP Judith Collins is “ignoring” her electorate as the Supercity proposal is rushed through Parliament.


Building 30 May 2009
Papakura BCA first in region

PAPAKURA —  Independent review and assessment of building consent processes Papakura is first to pass assessment in Auckland region Papakura residents can be assured that the Papakura District Council’s building services are up there with the best.


Council 18 May 2009
Democracy denied, democracy derailed

The Government's Supercity proposal continues to "deny and derail" democracy for the people of the Auckland region with plans to prevent submitters speaking at select committee hearings on the laws establishing the new council, says Papakura Mayor.


Traffic 1 May 2009
Child traffic safety awareness campaign begins

PAPAKURA — Police are working with Papakura District Council road safety and roading staff to help keep children safe around school entrances.

St Mary�s School pupils Mikayla Sundvick and Laura Baillie, supported by Laura�s mum Janet Baillie, a member of St Mary�s School�s volunteer road patrol.


Council 8 Apr 2009
Government decision 'rips the guts out of' local democracy

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Mayor Calum Penrose says his Council is “deeply disappointed” by the Government’s decision on the future of the Auckland region.


Council 28 Mar 2009
Papakura disappointed with Royal Commission recommendations

PAPAKURA — Mayor Calum Penrose and Deputy Mayor Peter Goldsmith emerged from today’s briefing on the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry very disappointed by its recommendations for Auckland’s governance.


Art 10 Feb 2009
Papakura celebrates the Year of the Ox with art exhibition

PAPAKURA — Papakura Art Gallery is celebrating Chinese New Year with the opening of two very special exhibitions by Chinese artists.

Everything is going Swimmingly by painter Haihui Wang and I think therefore I am by ceramic sculptor Onlie Ong


Fire 10 Feb 2009
Papakura fire risk remains high

PAPAKURA — The light rain that has fallen over much of Auckland early this week is not enough to reduce the fire risk in the Counties area, says Papakura Principal Rural Fire Officer Andy Baker.


Council 5 Feb 2009
Papakura's ten year plan maintains momentum

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council has approved for consultation a draft ten year plan that sets out a path for growth managed responsibly and with a keen awareness of the national and global economic situation.


News 12 Jan 2009
Papakura Art Gallery prepares for busy year

PAPAKURA —  A “sensational” 2008 sets Papakura’s Art Gallery up for a bumper year in 2009, with only two exhibition slots available in the Gallery’s exhibition programme and attendance figures climbing month by month.


Traffic 18 Dec 2008
Sober driver campaign focuses on Great Mates

PAPAKURA — Socialising and celebrating during the Christmas holiday season in Papakura and Franklin District will be measurably safer this summer thanks to a road safety initiative in both districts.

 Alan Kayes of Two Fat Cows in Drury, Bryce McNally of Thoroughbred Tavern in Takanini and Greg Sibun from Stampede bar in Papakura


Dance 17 Dec 2008
Touring Tutus for Papakura's Hawkins Theatre

PAPAKURA — The Royal New Zealand Ballet is bringing its Tutus on Tour to the Hawkins Theatre in Papakura in 2009, and tickets have gone on sale in time for Christmas.

Ballet gets Through to You with Koo koo ka choo


Fire 2 Dec 2008
Restricted fire season in place from December 15

PAPAKURA — A Restricted Fire Season will be in place in the Papakura District from Monday December 15.


Alcohol 24 Nov 2008
Papakura rolls out new liquor bylaw

PAPAKURA — Papakura Police are preparing to enforce the districts new ban on drinking alcohol in public places.


Art 24 Nov 2008
Papakura's small packages grow bigger

PAPAKURA — Papakura Art Gallerys popular Small Packages pre-Christmas exhibition opens on Thursday evening, and is bigger than ever.

Papakura Art Gallery�s popular Small Packages pre-Christmas exhibition


Traffic 10 Sep 2008
Busy time on Papakura's roads puts emphasis on safety.

PAPAKURA — Growth and the arrival of spring make for a busy time on Papakuras roads, and a range of groups are pushing safety messages over coming months.

Road saftey in Papakura


Community 29 Aug 2008
An eventful time of the year in Papakura

PAPAKURA — Papakura is heading into a busy time of year as the weather improves and a range of fun family, cultural, business and community events are planned.

Nicky Hayhow, Convenor of the New World Bake-Off, and Sharon Young of Papakura New World


Council 1 Aug 2008
Papakura and Franklin join forces in new business excellence programme

PAPAKURA — Quality business assistance and advice available at no cost to entrants.


Pets 17 Jul 2008
Dog owners encouraged to take licence course to reduce ownership costs

PAPAKURA — Papakura dog owners can reduce the cost of single or multiple dog ownership and registration by sitting and passing a dog owner licence course.


Council 17 Jul 2008
Major projects gain momentum in Papakura

PAPAKURA — The centre of Papakura is in the final stages of its $6.1 million transformation, with contractors adding the finishing touches to the town square and a final major project set to take place in early 2009.


Council 17 Jul 2008
Annual plan maintains Papakuras momentum

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council has signed off its 2008-2009 Annual Plan and Long Term Council Community Plan amendment with a work programme that continues progress made in the past two years.


Council 17 Jul 2008
Illegal use of shipping containers in residential areas on the increase

PAPAKURA — Papakura residents using shipping containers as temporary or permanent storage, sleep-outs or garden sheds are liable to be prosecuted under the Papakura District Plan.


Council 17 Jul 2008
Papakura gives Woolly Nightshade the chop

PAPAKURA — It’s a pest plant also known as Tobacco Weed, Flannel Leaf or Kerosene Plant.


Art 17 Jul 2008
Fourth Most Popular - and world famous - in Papakura and around the globe

PAPAKURA — Papakura Art Gallery and social networking web site are the venues for an innovative short video exhibition featuring the work of promising young local film-makers.


Art 23 May 2008
Papakura Arts web site goes live

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council has established a new website,, dedicated to promoting arts in the district.

Layne Waerea of Bottle Top Bay in Karaka


Crime 28 Apr 2008
Rubbish bin thefts hit residents hardest

PAPAKURA — Papakura’s shiny new rubbish bins are once more attracting attention of the wrong sort.


Waste 28 Apr 2008
Inorganic rubbish collection starts in July

PAPAKURA — Papakura’s annual collection of inorganic rubbish will take place in late July and early August.


Crime 28 Apr 2008
Vandalism prompts safety measures

PAPAKURA — Vandals putting themselves at risk of injury have prompted Papakura District Council to develop safety countermeasures for the district’s street lights.


Building 28 Apr 2008
Snug homes in Papakura

PAPAKURA — There are 22 newly-insulated homes in Papakura that will be more energy efficient, warmer and healthier for their occupants this winter thanks to Papakura’s involvement in the Snug Homes programme.


Community 28 Apr 2008
Project Town Centre: Council helps owners smarten up their buildings

PAPAKURA — Properties in the Papakura Town Centre will soon be looking smart and tidy thanks to Project Town Centre, a Papakura District Council initiative that helps property owners to give their buildings an exterior make-over.


Business 28 Apr 2008
Oram to address Papakura's May Business Breakfast

PAPAKURA — Award-winning Economic commentator Rod Oram will discuss the likely direction of the New Zealand economy at the Papakura Business Breakfast on Thursday May 1.


Council 14 Apr 2008
Papakura's unilateral declaration of independence

AUCKLAND — Papakura District Council (PDC) is engaging in a David and Goliath battle with ‘Super City’ proponents keen to persuade the Royal Commission that amalgamation is the way forward for the Auckland Region.


Council 2 Apr 2008
Have your say and help Save Papakura


The people of Papakura have a critical role to play in helping to preserve the identity, autonomy and character of the district according to Papakura’s Mayor and elected members of Council.


Traffic 13 Feb 2008
Transit develops Papakura’s on-ramp capacity

PAPAKURA — Dual lanes, onramp signals to ease motorway access.


Cricket 8 Feb 2008
It's still round: Papakura hosts The Ball

PAPAKURA — Papakura’s leading arts venue has been granted the rights to display The Ball – the infamous sphere that started the whole Underarm rift between New Zealand and Australia.

The underarm


Alcohol 22 Jan 2008
Papakura and Franklin join forces on drinking and driving

PAPAKURA — Road safety staff in Papakura and Franklin are asking motorists in both districts a question: what will it take for people who drink and drive to change their ways?

Drinking and driving awwareness


Theatre 9 Jan 2008
Trans-Tasman comedy hits the Hawkins Centre

PAPAKURA — Papakura’s Hawkins Centre starts the year with the popular sporting comedy play The Underarm.


News 20 Dec 2007
Town Centre work update

PAPAKURA — The $6.1 million Streetscape project to enhance the Papakura town centre goes into high gear in 2008 with the start of the town square, main street and northern gateway projects.


Council 23 Nov 2007
Papakura news briefs



Art 19 Nov 2007
New manager for Papakura’s Art Gallery

PAPAKURA — A blank canvas: Papakura’s art gallery is offering artists from the district the ultimate opportunity to put their work in front of the community.


Council 14 Nov 2007
Council focuses on health and environment

PAPAKURA — Papakura District Council staff are now equipped with the ultimate in zero-emission, zero fuel use, carbon-friendly transport: a pair of mountainbikes.

Logan McRae from Ride Cycles, and Courtney Hayhow from the Papakura Dsitrict Council