Simple steps to sustainable living

Tauranga City Council

Thursday 10 June 2010, 8:07AM

By Tauranga City Council



How we manage our energy, water and waste at home is becoming increasingly important. By managing resources wisely we can achieve a number of benefits including a healthier warmer home, looking after our water systems, reducing waste to landfill, lower energy and water bills and reduced impacts on the environment.

And best of all there is help at hand. Come along to a free talk at your local library on the topic of your choice.

The energy talk will introduce you to our Eco design Advisor and provide information on insulation and efficient heating options, energy saving tips and what government funding is in place to help.

The waste talk will introduce you to the issues surrounding waste including resource use and pollution impacts to simple steps such as shopping habits, recycling and composting in your home.

The water talk will provide valuable information on how the average household uses water and how you can use less. You will also find out about how our water systems are connected, what challenges our wastewater system faces and how you can help keep our stormwater system, harbour and sea clean. Useful information packs and gismos to reduce water volumes in single flush toilets will be available for free.