Ruptured gas main - New Lynn
An area of New Lynn has been cordoned off as emergency services and contractors deal with a ruptured gas main.
The main, near the railway line at the intersection of Tötara and Rankin Avenues is believed to have been broken by an excavator.
Train movements have been stopped as a precaution.
Roads have been closed at the intersection of Rankin and Margan Avenues; Clark and Hetana Streets and Veronica Street and Tötara Avenue. Other closures may be required before the situation is resolved.
Some shops and other buildings within this area and downwind of the leak have been evacuated. The prevailing wind is dispersing escaping gas satisfactorily at present however people in the area will be able to smell the gas.
People are advised to avoid the area. A further release will be made when the closures are lifted - at the moment gas contractors are at the scene and estimate it will take 20 minutes to shut off the mains.