South Island Neurological Services Expert Panel - Terms Of Reference Released

Saturday 7 August 2010, 9:06AM

By Ministry of Health



Ministry of Health acting Director General Andrew Bridgman, today released the terms of reference for the expert panel to make recommendations on the future configuration of South Island Neurosurgery.

The five South Island District Health Boards have asked the Director General to resolve the impasse between them over the configuration and development pathway towards a single, integrated neurosurgical service in the South Island. The panel has been put in place to advise the Director General in resolving that impasse.

“I have every confidence in the panel and the approach they are taking in engaging with South Island communities.” he said.

“There is a tremendous amount of concern about the future configuration of the service. The Chair of the panel, Anne Kolbe, informs me that she has no fixed view at this stage and that the panel will be looking to canvas all views before providing me with advice on what option best serves the South Island.

“I look forward to receiving the report from the panel in mid October.”

The terms of reference are attached.


Neurosurgery Terms of Reference (PDF, 162 KB)