Council secures funding for Nelson youth

Monday 9 August 2010, 3:53PM

By Nelson City Council



Nelson City Council has secured $72,380 in funding from the Ministry of Youth Development for its ‘Tomorrow’s Leaders Today’ Programme – a leadership programme for young people in Nelson. The funding will support the development of leadership workshops for young people, who will take their newly acquired skills and apply them in their own youth projects in our community.

The three projects that will be supported are being run by Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE), Q-Youth and Inspired Productions. These are all youth-led organisations, tackling issues that are important to young people.

Chris Ward, Nelson City Council Community Policy and Planning Adviser, says, “We’re very excited to have secured this funding. It enables Council to support some really valuable new projects for our young people without putting an extra financial burden on our ratepayers.”

“This funding will help equip young people in our community with leadership skills that can be drawn upon in whatever career path they take. In addition the wider community will benefit from the projects that will be run by their groups. It really is a win-win situation.”

The government’s Youth Development Partnership Fund is designed to support councils to engage with young people, to respond to local need, and to establish best-practice, locally-relevant initiatives. The aims for our young people are:

increased engagement in education, training, tertiary education, employment, or other youth development opportunities.

improved self esteem, personal development, motivation, family and community connections, and health/ wellbeing.