Embassy Theatre Strengthening

Tuesday 17 August 2010, 1:07PM

By Wellington City Council



Six months and 32 tons of steel later, the final earthquake-strengthening phase of the historic Embassy Theatre building is nearing completion. The first phase was completed in 2003 before the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King premiere. This final phase has kept within its projected time frame and $1 million budget.

Project manager Bruce Moorman says the Council has worked hard to ensure the work caused as little disruption as possible.

"One of the biggest challenges of the project has been implementing the complicated and intrusive construction works with minimal disturbance to tenants and the theatre-going public.

"We'd like to thank the building's tenants and surrounding businesses for their patience and understanding during construction."

Designed by structural engineers Dunning Thornton Consultants and constructed by Hawkins Construction, the work involved adding concrete 'shear walls' in key areas and steel roof bracing above the auditorium ceiling.

The building now has a greatly improved level of seismic resistance.

"As part of the conditions of the resource consent we have also added false shop fronts on the Majoribanks Street side of the building to help restore the original aesthetics," says Bruce.