South Dunedin Concept Designer Commissioned

Dunedin City Council

Wednesday 8 September 2010, 1:33PM

By Dunedin City Council



The Dunedin City Council has commissioned Beca Carter Hollings and Ferner Ltd to assist in the development of design concepts for King Edward Street in South Dunedin.
Beca will use the information gathered from the Issues and Opportunities Document and community feedback to develop a set of preliminary ideas for physical improvements to King Edward Street. Beca’s Senior Architect and Urban Designer Annette Jones, says, “Beca’s team of urban designers, landscape architects and transportation engineers is delighted at the opportunity to work with Dunedin City Council on this retail centre place-based strategy for South Dunedin.”
There will be a further opportunity for the community to be involved in this part of the design process, currently scheduled for November 2010.
This initiative is intended to address comments received in community feedback, responding to the Issues and Opportunities document published earlier this year. The DCC’s Principal Urban Designer, Steve Miles, says, “Engaging with the community during the development of this strategy so far has resulted in very positive and constructive outcomes. As it continues, we expect this process will result in delivery of significant benefits for the community in South Dunedin.”
CPG New Zealand Ltd has been separately commissioned to undertake customer field surveys crucial to the development of design options.