Eighth Milkybar Kid Finalist Revealed

The PR Shop

Thursday 28 October 2010, 11:46AM

By The PR Shop


The eighth Top Ten Finalist is Benjamin Clark from Auckland
The eighth Top Ten Finalist is Benjamin Clark from Auckland Credit: The PR Shop


The eighth Top Ten Finalist is Benjamin Clark from Auckland. He is 7 and his interests include running,
biking, computers, soccer, and reading.

Ben attends Waikowhai Primary where he loves reading and social studies. He’s training for cross
country as part of a running club and is also taking part in the kid’s section of the Auckland Marathon.
When he grows up he wants to be just like his dad.

He says he would like to be the next Milkybar kid because it would be an amazing experience to be on
TV and he really likes Milkybars.

Ben joins Dominic Burrows of Invercargill, Asher Quin of Dunedin, Sam Kirby of Christchurch, Natalie
Olson of Wellington, Hinetaapora Short of Rotorua, Madison Hunter of Auckland, and Astaria Te
Aukura of Auckland in the Top Ten.