Caution Urged at Kettle Park Dunes

Dunedin City Council

Friday 19 November 2010, 11:37AM

By Dunedin City Council



The DCC was advised on Wednesday by engineering consultants, Tonkin & Taylor, that industrial material buried under the Kettle Park playing fields may have been exposed on the seaward dune at Kettle Park. Indications are that there is a possibility of a health risk to the public with any prolonged or on-going exposure to these dunes.
The Project Team has been gathering information on the extent of the old landfill site at Kettle Park. Recently, it commissioned studies by Tonkin & Taylor to determine the boundaries and types of material in the old landfill site. This involved boreholes and samples being taken below the playing fields and the surrounding area, including the adjacent dune face.
The studies indicate that there is construction material and industrial waste under the clay cap which covers the playing fields. This was suspected, and the studies confirm that the waste is safely covered and there are no health issues whatsoever with the playing fields.
The investigations have, however, identified that these buried materials have been exposed on the seaward dune, probably as a consequence of compression over time.
These are preliminary findings and further studies will be commissioned immediately. However, indications are that there may be a possibility of health risk to the public with any prolonged exposure to the dunes adjacent to the playing fields at Kettle Park.
Any risk relates only to prolonged and on-going exposure, but there is nonetheless a need for caution. It should be emphasised that there is no risk to the users of the adjacent sports grounds at Kettle Park.
The engineers who carried out the investigations have recommended that the DCC:
carry out further investigations immediately to confirm whether the samples taken are representative and that any significant human health risk exists. A statistically based investigation will provide a robust basis for decision making about the management of the landfill and the coastal dunes."
The evaluation made by Tonkin & Taylor has been on the basis of a limited sample data and therefore must be regarded as preliminary only. However, it indicates that:
≈ long term exposure on sections of the dunes at Kettle Park may present a human health risk; and that
≈ it appears unlikely that the exposed materials present an immediate risk.
Signage is being prepared and will be installed at the Kettle Park beach access points and at all other access points along Ocean Beach as a matter of urgency.