Road User Safety Paramount

Dunedin City Council

Tuesday 14 December 2010, 12:46PM

By Dunedin City Council



The Dunedin City Council has a strong commitment to ensuring roads and footpaths are safe for all users. Over the last year, the DCC has carried out a variety of initiatives to this end, often following a request from residents, businesses or other groups with an interest in road safety in the area.
In response to residents’ concerns about pedestrian and vehicle access, the DCC completes its own assessment of the issues raised and decides the most appropriate course of action.
This is done on a case by case basis and the decision is communicated to affected residents or groups, giving them an opportunity to provide feedback before any changes are made.
Some of projects undertaken this year include:
≈ The installation of pedestrian safety improvements such as those in Filleul Street and York Place. These make it safer and easier for pedestrians to cross the road by extending the kerb into the road or building islands in the middle of the road.
≈ Provision of safe crossing areas outside schools such as part-time crossing areas with parking restrictions at the start and end of the school day. This approach has been used at Big Rock School in Brighton, and Balmacewen Intermediate School.
≈ Ensuring access for emergency vehicles throughout Dunedin's road network. Often, the simplest way to provide access for emergency, and other, vehicles in Dunedin’s narrow streets is to prohibit parking on one or both sides of the road. As most narrow roads do not have room for extension, or for parking on the footpath to be feasible, the most appropriate solution is to remove roadside parking, such as in Warden Street and Bishops Road (due for completion early in 2011).