New Rattray Street Bridge For Pedestrians and Cyclists Across the Main Rail Line

Dunedin City Council

Wednesday 2 February 2011, 1:25PM

By Dunedin City Council



The Dunedin City Council has programmed money in the Annual Plan for a new bridge for pedestrians and cyclists connecting the Queens Garden area with the Harbour Basin. The bridge would let people walk from outside the Chinese Garden to a site beside the Customhouse building and the Harbour Basin.

The bridge is a response to community feedback seeking improved accessibility and amenity within the city and better provision for cyclists. Since the Council abandoned plans late last year for the Fairley Street walkway linking the Railway Station and the Harbour Basin, it has been assessing alternative means of improving links between the central city and the harbourside area and making the city more pedestrian and cyclist friendly.

Mayor Dave Cull has welcomed the proposal saying: “This offers a practical solution for access between two key city attractions across the existing trunk rail line. It also sends a clear message that this Council embraces cost-effective solutions for the future which are less focussed on cars and more on people’s needs.”

A vehicular crossing of the railway at Rattray Street has been included in Council budgets for some time. The proposed new bridge, in addition to making this part of the city more pedestrian and cycle friendly, would also act as an attraction in its own right, and improve the amenity of the city. The bridge could be crucial, not only in improving access to the Harbour, but also in revitalising the Queens Garden and Exchange heritage areas.

Following the Draft Annual Plan consultation process, an open tender process would address the design and construction of the bridge.

The Council has considered a range of options for the rail crossing including a functional link which could be built for around $1.5m and a more dramatic landmark structure, costing up to $3.5m.

The Council has proposed setting aside $3.5m in 2016/17 and 2017/18 to develop a landmark bridge at the Rattray/Wharf Streets site. By that time amenity development of the harbourside area is likely to have progressed. Following the recent Council decision removing the Fairley Street walkway designations, the Council can build the pedestrian bridge at Rattray Street and still achieve a saving of $2.964m in Council budgets.

The Council will seek feedback on the proposal via the Annual Plan process.