All Proceeds to Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Fund

Customer Experiences Ltd

Monday 21 March 2011, 9:20AM

By Customer Experiences Ltd



The Mid Canterbury Mayfield Lions Club have committed to donating all this years event proceeds to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Fund

The Jeff Gray BMW Mt Somers mountain biking event is in its 6th year and to date has donated $90,000 to the Canterbury community including Christchurch’s Ronald McDonald House

According to club vice chairman Michael Rushton out of the 650 entrants at last years race 70 percent came from Christchurch and the club is looking forward to even more support from Christchurch riders and supporters at this year’s event.

Michael said that the events multi course uniqueness allows riders of all levels to participate and enjoy the chance to ride around a high country station, that is only open to the public for this event.

The Mayfield Lions Club is excited to have Christchurch BMW car dealer Jeff Gray BMW as their major sponsor especially in light of the recent tragedy in Christchurch Matthew Hodgson Jeff Grays Dealer Principal said it was a great opportunity for Christchurch people to get out of town and enjoy a day in the mid Canterbury foothills only an hours drive from Christchurch

A highlight for this year’s event will be the addition of a Mt Somers farmers market where riders and supporters will have the opportunity to sample and buy a range of fresh Canterbury produce and riders will as part of their entry enjoy what was described by last years competitors “the worlds best after event meal”

Rushton said the club is looking forward to welcoming visitors to this year’s event and raising as much as possible to assist the people of Christchurch.


For Further Information contact -   Michael Ruston MB 021 2491885