Boost for New Zealand/Asian business with new BNZ partnership

Monday 28 March 2011, 11:42AM




A new joint venture enterprise aimed at boosting the success of New Zealand companies that do business in Asia will be launched today at Victoria University.

The initiative, called Bank of New Zealand Chair in Business in Asia, will help strengthen the ability of New Zealand companies to do business in Asia. It will combine the skills, research and knowledge of Chair partners BNZ, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE), Ministry of Economic Development (MED) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) to allow local businesses to take advantage of economic opportunities in Asian markets.

BNZ Chief Operating Officer Stephen Mockett says, "We’re proud to help facilitate business success in New Zealand by supporting this initiative.

"The Chair will enable success and open new doors for New Zealand business by bringing together the academic experience of VUW, policy and regulatory expertise of government departments and the practical business experience of the private sector. Asia is a truly exciting market for all New Zealand businesses and BNZ."

Victoria University Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Faculty of Commerce and Administration, Professor Bob Buckle says,“The economic emergence of Asia is bringing the centre of global economic activity significantly closer to New Zealand.

“The purpose of the Chair is to conduct research and offer insight to help do business in Asia. It also reflects the importance the University and the Faculty place on global connectedness.”