Man attacked for pizzas

Tuesday 29 March 2011, 11:04AM

By New Zealand Police



A pizza delivery man is recovering this morning after being struck across the face with a golf club.

The 52-year-old victim was delivering pizzas to an address in Brentwood Avenue just after 11pm, but when he got to the location there didn't appear to be anyone there.

As he left through the gate a man carrying a golf club hit him twice, once on the thigh and once across the face, before running off towards Highbury with three pizzas. He was joined by a second man, and a neighbour gave chase but was unsuccessful in catching up with the two men. The thieves dropped the pizzas during the foot chase.

The victim was taken by ambulance to Palmerston North Hospital and was later released after receiving treatment for minor injuries.

Police will today speak to the victim in detail, along with his employers and neighbours to try to identify the offenders.

Detective Sergeant Gary Milligan said: "Our concern is that this appears to have been planned by the offenders so that they could ambush the delivery man. Hitting someone over the head with a golf club could have had far more serious consequences and is totally out of proportion with the theft of a few pizzas."

At this stage only a description of the offender with the golf club is available. He is described as a European man, aged 17-20, thin build and about 5ft 10ins tall.

Police want to hear from anyone who knows the identity of these two men or saw anyone acting suspiciously in the Brentwood Avenue, Croydon Avenue, and Farnham Avenue areas of Highbury.

Anyone with information relevant to this investigation is asked to contact Palmerston North CIB on Detective Constable Stephen Field at Palmerston Police on 06 351 3600. Alternatively information can be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.