Coromandel Peninsula's public fields to be turfed

Tuesday 5 April 2011, 12:40PM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Turf renovations begin next Monday.

Main sport fields and grounds around the Coromandel Peninsula are about to be aerated, fertilised, rolled and under-sowed in readiness for the winter sport season.

Over the next two weeks sports grounds in Mercury Bay, Hahei, Tairua, Whangamata and Thames will receive ground probing, verti-draining, depression filling and cleaning as part of Thames-Coromandel District Council's (TCDC) turf renovation operation.

TCDC Parks and Reserved Field Representative, Chris Howell says turf renovation improves the quality of the grounds for the winter playing season. "We only have a narrow window in which to do this before the sports seasons really kick in."

Ground probe aeration will inject air 600mm into selected fields to fracture the hard topsoil and improve drainage and aeration after rain and previous seasons' play caused the grounds to become compacted. Other fields will benefit by a verti-drain process that punches holes in the hard topsoil and breaks up before rolling it to restore the surface.

Depression filling is another part of the turf renovation operation. Holes and lines made in the grounds from the previous sporting seasons will be filled in to minimise broken ankles and sprains on users and players over the next season.

50kg of seed will be sown per hectare in two passes from opposite diagonals, drains will be cleared of weeds and a special kind of slow-release fertiliser that lasts for six months will be applied to make the fields all ready for winter.

The turf renovation operation will be completed by Easter weekend but sports groups wanting to book fields need to do as far in advance as possible to ensure availability.

Bookings can be made by calling TCDC Customer Services on 07 868 0200.

Fields in the turf renovation operation:

  • Lyon Park, Whitianga
  • Hilton Park, Whitianga
  • Mercury Bay Area School
  • Coromandel Domain
  • Kotari Park, Hahei
  • Cory Park, Tairua
  • Aiken Road Sportsground, Whangamata
  • Rhodes Park, Thames