"Open fire" hits the streets

Saturday 22 September 2007, 3:34PM

By Nelson City Council



The countdown to the end of open fires in Nelson takes on a higher profile this weekend with the debut of “Fireplace Man” at the Home and Garden Show.
“Fireplace Man” is a life sized costume of an open fireplace (including a clock on the mantle piece) that will be worn by staff as they distribute information to home owners on the new air quality rules.

Council’s Environmental Co-ordinator Karen Lee says it’s a light-hearted approach to raising awareness of a serious issue.
“Nelson’s air quality must improve so we’re making every effort to get the message out that people can’t use their open fires after 1 January 2008. There are several options and financial assistance to help Nelsonians replace open fires with cleaner heating. Fireplace Man’s mission is to help get the word out to assist people to decide what they want to do before time runs out. For instance if people want to replace their open fire with an approved burner, they need to apply for consent to do so before Christmas. Christmas is also the deadline to apply for financial help to replace open fires,” Karen says.

The costume was created by Golden Bay artist Dean Raybould and will be adapted to become an enclosed burner next year when the focus of the air quality plan shifts to the replacement of old enclosed burners in some areas of Nelson.

Click here to see an image of “Fireplace Man” or you can see him in action at the Home and Garden Show at the Trafalgar Centre from 11am to 12pm and 2pm to 3pm on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 September.