Allocation of Special School Funding Announced

Monday 2 May 2011, 3:44PM

By Rodney Hide


Associate Minister of Education Rodney Hide today announced the allocation of $22.8 million in funding under the ‘Success For All – Every School, Every Child’ initiative to upgrade existing special schools and satellite units, and create new satellites around the country.

“Launched in October 2010, ‘Success For All’ is about schools supporting all children whatever their needs. This one-off funding will help realise the vision of ‘Success For All’ which is to develop a more inclusive education system,” Mr Hide said.

“The main focus of this funding is to address space deficiencies at special school base sites and their satellite units at mainstream schools – 15 special school base sites and 14 satellite units will receive funding as part of this one-off programme. This is in addition to the regular property funding programmes for which special schools are eligible.

“The schools will work with the Ministry of Education to determine the best local solution that will optimise students’ integration and learning in a mainstream setting. In most cases this will mean expanding satellite units or establishing new ones.

“I have first hand experience of the contribution special schools make to the students and their families. This funding will help to ensure the property at these facilities supports the good work going on at these schools,” Mr Hide said.

Special education facilities to receive funding as part of one-off capital works funding programme

Base Schools

Patricia Avenue School
Allenvale Special School**
Hamilton North School
Kaka Street Special School
Ruru Special School
Sara Cohen School
Sunnydene Special School
Rosehill School
Kea Street Specialist School
Goldfields School (Paeroa)
Kowhai School
Blomfield School
Sir Keith Park School
Mt Richmond School
Parkside School

Satellite Units (listed below as base school - satellite)

BLENNZ - Kelburn Normal School – Visual Resource Centre
Ferndale School (Christchurch) - Beckenham School**
Sara Cohen School - Concord School
Kapi-Mana School- Porirua School
Arahunga School - Rutherford Intermediate, Cullinane College, Tawhero School, Carlton School
Parkside School - Pukekohe High School
Hamilton North School - St Andrew's Middle School
Oaklynn Special School - Greenbay High School
Kea Street Specialist School - Kaitao Intermediate
Fairhaven School - Tamatea Primary
Kowhai School - Heretaunga Intermediate

**The assessment of special schools took place prior to the 22 February Christchurch earthquake. One special school base site and one satellite unit in Christchurch have qualified for funding in this one–off programme. This money will be held by the Ministry until a full assessment of the damage at affected schools has been completed and the highest needs within the Christchurch special schools network have been identified