Asthma costs us all

Thursday 5 May 2011, 11:46AM

By The Asthma Foundation


Recent Ministry of Health figures reveal that it costs $1121 a day to treat a patient in hospital for asthma.

"This is just one of the many ways in which asthma costs Aotearoa dearly," says the Asthma Foundation's President, Professor Ian Town.

Professor Town says the financial implications go much wider.

"The costs of asthma hospitalisations were at least $17 million in 2009/2010. If you want to take into account the wider financial implications, you also have to consider, for example, the days lost off school and work. These figures increase the costs of asthma hugely. And, asthma hospitalisations put a lot of pressure on New Zealand's hospitals during winter.

"Of course, the worst thing is that so many people – children and adults – suffer with asthma. Asthma is the leading reason for hospital admissions in the under 5 age group in New Zealand.

"It's scary for the children, nerve wracking for their parents and we ask you to join us in keeping our kids out of hospital.

"Therefore we are asking New Zealanders who have children with asthma to make sure that they use their preventer medication regularly and don't just wait until their asthma is out of control to do something about it."

Child asthma plans, which are filled out together with a health professional, are a must and the Asthma Foundation recommends that everyone with respiratory conditions get a free flu jab as soon as they can.

For more information, call Asthma Foundation Communications Manager, Malcolm Aitken, on 027 62 52 835 or 04 499 4592 ext 205.