Freedom Camping Fines is Welcome News

New Plymouth District Council

Monday 16 May 2011, 3:47PM

By New Plymouth District Council



The Government’s proposed fines will make it easier to manage freedom campers who camp where they shouldn’t, says New Plymouth District Council.

Currently NPDC can only take problem campers through the courts under its Public Places Bylaw. However the proposed Act would enable automatic fines of $200 for those camping illegally, and court-imposed fines up to $10,000 for those caught dumping sewage.

“The instant fines will make it much faster to deal with people who are camping illegally, and $10,000 fines should make most people think twice before leaving their effluent behind on beaches or reserves,” says Manager Customer and Regulatory Services Simon Pickford.

“However we would use discretion and only issue a $200 infringement after a warning and asking the person to move on.”

NPDC permits self-contained motor homes/camper vans equipped with storage capacity for toilet and grey water waste to stay overnight in public parking areas for a maximum of two nights. Vehicles that are not self-contained may not use public parking areas for temporary accommodation, and no one may camp on non-designated areas within reserves.

Meanwhile, the Council is identifying areas where freedom camping could be allowed during Rugby World Cup 2011.

“We’re going to have a big influx of visitors and a number of them will be freedom campers. We want to help them avoid any problems while they’re here by identifying sites they can use which have toilet and shower facilities.

“We’ll announce those sites once they have been confirmed,” he says.