Wairarapa Police warn motorists to beware when it comes to drinking and driving

Friday 17 June 2011, 6:59PM

By New Zealand Police



Wairarapa Police are warning motorists to beware - anytime, anywhere you will be breath tested if stopped in your vehicle.

Detective Inspector Paul Basham, the acting Wairarapa Area Commander says Police are concerned about the dangers of drinking and driving and Police staff across the Wairarapa have been instructed to breath test every motorist stopped, in the lead up to and during the Rugby World Cup.

"We're taking this approach in the hope of preventing trauma on our roads and want to warn motorists that any time of the day or night, no matter where you may be travelling within the Wairarapa, if you're stopped, you will be breath-tested and those caught will be dealt with accordingly."

Detective Inspector Basham says last week (from Thursday 9th June to Saturday 11 June), road policing staff and the District Traffic Alcohol Group set up the 'booze bus' in the Wairarapa, stopping in excess of 1200 vehicles.

"Out of those 1200 drivers stopped, 15 drivers were found to be over the limit and now face charges. Of those people, two were over twice the legal limit and a Martinborough youth was four times over the legal limit for people aged under 20 years."

Paul Basham says motorists need to ensure that if they plan on having a few drinks, they must plan a safe alternative to getting home as well, and that means not getting behind the wheel.

"We do not want any more members of our community dying on our roads and Police remain committed to reducing the harm caused by alcohol."