Leading water expert in Auckland

Monday 20 June 2011, 11:42AM

By Auckland Council



Auckland Council in association with GHD Ltd presents Professor Hans Schreier, one of the world’s leading experts on water use and source water protection.

As the population rises and urban development continues, a secure supply of high quality drinking water and the effects of polluted stormwater are ever more in the spotlight in Auckland.

Hans Schreier discusses innovative global approaches to reducing water use, improving source water protection, and minimising pollution in our expanding urban environment.

Professor Schreier is from the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. This event is sponsored by GHD, a recent recipient of the IPENZ Arthur Mead Award for Environment and Sustainability.  The event is a part of Auckland Council’s Auckland Conversations series of free lectures.

GHD’s recent award was in recognition of its innovative road contaminant management programme with Auckland Transport. As event sponsor, professional services company GHD is underlining its commitment to helping Auckland Council meet its objectives with respect to cleaner water in Auckland's receiving environment.  

When: Wednesday 22 June, 5pm-7pm.

Where: Upper NZI Conference Room, Aotea Centre, Auckland

Free entry.  Please RSVP to or Susan Quinn on (09) 301 0101.