Young Pacific people with talent and passion – apply here

Thursday 23 June 2011, 2:50PM

By Georgina Te Heuheu


Young Pacific people with talent, leadership skills and passion should be finalising their applications for this year’s Prime Minister’s Pacific Youth Awards, the Minister of Pacific Island Affairs Georgina te Heuheu said.

Parents, friends and peers are also being encouraged to think about 17-24 year-olds they know who fit the criteria, and to shoulder-tap them to apply. Applications for this year’s awards close on Monday July 4.

“I know from the many Pacific events which I attend that there are a lot of talented, creative young people in the Pacific community,’ Mrs te Heuheu says.

“I encourage them not to be shy, but to step forward for one of these great opportunities, and even if they applied previously, to apply again.

“Last year, the first year in which these awards were offered, we received just over 100 entries. This is excellent participation, and I am hopeful that entries will be even higher than last year as more people learn about the awards.

“Three very talented young people – Tammy Kingi, J’aime Laurenson and Samuelu Siilata – went on to be selected as winners of the Inspiration, Leadership and Creativity Awards and the opportunities which go with them.

“Tammy is about to return from Kiribati, where she is taking up her Inspiration Award, and Samuelu reports enjoying his Weta Workshop internship enormously. J’aime has decided to use his award for business study, and is finalising a course with the University of Auckland.

“Not only are we offering the same opportunities as last year – a $5000 inspirational overseas trip, tuition fees of up to $6000 at the University of Auckland and a paid internship at the renowned Weta Workshop - but there is an additional award.

“The Innovation Award will give a Pacific young person with an engineering bent a place on a pre-employment aircraft maintenance training programme. Sponsored by Air New Zealand this award can be taken up at its Aviation Training Institute in either Auckland or Christchurch, and is worth $7,400,” Mrs te Heuheu says.

Applications can be made online at until July 4.