Friday 24 June 2011, 4:20PM

By RedPR

588 views - The Voice and Ears of Christchurch - The Voice and Ears of Christchurch Credit: Ben Young is poised to become the “voice and ears of Christchurch”.

The site experienced an unprecedented 40,000 hits following the earthquake package announced by the Government yesterday and traffic continues to grow.

The man behind the site, Deon Swiggs, says he and his team have all donated their time and worked hard to develop so that it’s a “one stop shop” for everyone wanting to find out information, share information and engage in the massive job ahead of rebuilding Christchurch.

“The site has been up and running since the September quake and the ongoing development and integration of information from organisations including residents and business groups, CCC, CERA and EQC, means really is the voice and ears of Christchurch,” he says.

Swiggs says the events since September 4th have created an unprecedented demand for information and engagement from residents, businesses and many others further afield. He says unique features of include sections for businesses and residents, within which those registered can contribute, ask questions, post images and engage with others in similar situations.

“As we look to the future, there appears to be two main concerns; how will we be listened to when it comes to what our city should look like, and how can we be sure we hear the important information that will come from officials in charge of the rebuild of New Zealand’s second largest city? This is where helps to address those concerns and provides Christchurch residents with the voice and ears they want and need so they can be informed and begin to move forward,” he says. is an independent not for profit website and Swiggs says the independence of the website is supported by direct engagement with residents, business people and official organisations responsible for shaping the future of Christchurch.

Ends: For further information, please contact Ali Jones, Ali Jones PR and Communications – cell: 027 247 3112 or email