EPA Chief Executive announced

Tuesday 28 June 2011, 4:18PM

By Environmental Protection Authority


Mr Rob Forlong has been appointed Chief Executive of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), it was announced today by the Chair of the EPA Board, Ms Kerry Prendergast.

“Mr Forlong has been appointed to lead the new Crown entity when it becomes operational on 1 July. He is currently Chief Executive of the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA), one of the organisations forming the new EPA,” Ms Prendergast said.

“This appointment brings continuity to the new organisation, with Mr Forlong having led ERMA since 2005. Mr Forlong has considerable experience in business and strategic planning – these are much needed skills when forming a new organisation."

The EPA will be responsible for regulation of hazardous substances, new organisms, national consenting under the Resource Management Act, ozone depleting chemicals, assessment of environmental effects in Antarctica and waste exports and imports. The management of the Emissions Trading Scheme will transfer to the Authority on 1 January 2012, and consenting in the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf on 1 July 2012.

“By consolidating similar technical and regulatory skills, the new EPA will provide national leadership on environmental issues and bring greater clarity to New Zealand’s environmental management,” said Ms Prendergast.

“I am looking forward to working with Mr Forlong as we bring together the regulatory functions previously located across four different agencies. His strong relationship management skills will be put to good use as we form the new organisation.”