NZTA Consultation

Tuesday 5 July 2011, 3:13PM

By Wellington City Council



If you have views on the changes proposed for the Basin Reserve, Ruahine Street, Wellington Road and plans for a second Mt Victoria Tunnel - let the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) know.

Consultation began at the weekend and submissions are required by Friday 26 August.

If you live in Wellington City, you should have received a brochure in your mailbox about this. If you haven't, contact NZTA on 0508 9484 4636, email or check the NZTA website for more information:

Wellington Inner-city Transport Improvements - NZTA website

An information centre is operating at the Basin Reserve (in the RA Vance Stand), Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10.00am to 3.00pm and Thursdays, 3.00pm to 8.00pm.

The first of several open days is planned this weekend:

  •   NZTA Public Open Day                                                                                                                                     RA Vance Stand, Basin Reserve                                                                                                        10.00am - 4.00pm, Saturday 9 July

The Council will look closely at what's proposed for this crucial route to and from the eastern suburbs and make its own submission.

Mayor Celia Wade-Brown is urging as many Wellingtonians as possible to have their say.

"This is a significant opportunity for the city and it is important that we get it right - please study the proposals carefully and let the NZTA know your views."

The Council's Transport Portfolio Leader, Councillor Andy Foster, says the Council favours a multi-modal approach to meet the city's future transport needs, involving public transport, cycling, walking and roading improvements but needs to consider all the implications of the plans and options that are being proposed.

"We want to ensure the city's future transport network functions efficiently and effectively and meets everybody's needs, both now and in the future. We are concerned about economic outcomes, urban design, parking and environmental pros and cons."

The NZTA has agreed that the Council can make a late submission, which will give Councillors more time to consider the balance of public opinion and the key issues raised by the public before they meet in early October to debate and finalise the city's submission.