NZCOM Appalled at Magazine Cover Featuring Hanging Baby

Wednesday 13 July 2011, 5:11PM

By RedPR


Mums loving their babies
Mums loving their babies Credit: NZCOM

“Astonishingly bad taste” and “sending dangerous messages” is how the New Zealand College of Midwives is describing the latest cover of a magazine.

The August edition of North and South appeared in shops yesterday and the cover shows a baby being held upside down by the feet, with the word ‘MIDWIVES’ printed across the baby’s body. NZCOM Midwifery Advisor Norma Campbell, says no matter how the image has been produced, she, her members and other health professionals are appalled by the image.

“Midwives are horrified by this cover. Babies should never be held like this and midwives do not hold babies in this way, despite the suggestion we do. The baby is unsupported, upset and in fact this kind of behaviour can become shaken baby syndrome quite easily,” she says.

Campbell says the fact the magazine published this front cover on the same day New Zealand’s appalling child abuse figures were released by the Ministry of Social Development shows pretty poor taste and believes an apology should be forthcoming to all women and midwives.

“It is quite astounding that such a reputable publication would stoop to such factually incorrect information using a sensational image,” she says.

The College has received a number of calls from angry and upset midwives, and other health professionals wanting to express their disgust at the cover.

“I have been on the phone with a number of other organisations this morning and they too are concerned at the messages the cover is sending. Midwives promote ‘skin to skin’ contact when holding babies not this ridiculous hanging upside down suggested by the magazine. We have always promoted love, closeness and the nurturing of babies and this cover is hugely offensive to midwives and women,” says Norma Campbell.

Contact: Ali Jones External Communications Advisor. Cellphone: 0272473112