Architecture for Humanity founder delivers public lecture at University of Auckland

Wednesday 20 July 2011, 3:49PM

By University of Auckland



Cameron Sinclair, founder and “Chief Eternal Optimist” of Architecture for Humanity, will deliver a public lecture as part of his role as International Architect in Residence at The University of Auckland.

Founded in 1999 by Cameron Sinclair and Kate Stohr, Architecture for Humanity is a charitable organisation that seeks architectural solutions for humanitarian crises and provides design services to communities in need.

Based in San Francisco, California, Cameron Sinclair trained as an architect at the University of Westminster and at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. During his studies Sinclair developed an interest in social, cultural and humanitarian design. His postgraduate thesis focused on providing shelter to New York's homeless through sustainable, transitional housing. Over the past decade Architecture for Humanity has worked in 26 countries on projects ranging from schools, health clinics, affordable housing and long-term sustainable reconstruction. In 2006, Sinclair and Kate Stohr compiled a bestselling book, Design Like You Give A Damn: Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises, and they are currently working on a second volume.

As the University’s International Architect in Residence, Cameron Sinclair will lead an architecture studio for 3rd and 4th year students that will focus on developing strategies and designs for the rebuilding of Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti, an alternative high school in Christchurch that was forced out of its city campus in the February earthquake.

Professor Andrew Barrie, who coordinates the residency programme, says students benefit greatly from having ongoing contact with such a respected architect as Cameron Sinclair.

“The International Architect in Residence programme, which was launched in 2010, allows students to participate in a semester-long design studio taught by a globally significant architect. This long term engagement allows students, and the wider architecture community, to take on both a broad knowledge of the architect’s work and a deeper understanding of their ideas,” says Professor Barrie.

Cameron Sinclair will deliver a public lecture about Architecture for Humanity at 6.30pm on Wednesday 27 July in the Engineering Lecture Theatre 439 (Building 401, 20 Symonds St). The lecture is part of the School of Architecture and Planning’s annual Fast Forward winter lecture series. For the complete programme visit