Police hope images will identify Hamilton robber

Friday 22 July 2011, 9:24AM

By New Zealand Police


Police hope images will identify Hamilton robber
Police hope images will identify Hamilton robber Credit: New Zealand Police


Hamilton Police investigating Wednesday's aggravated robbery of a City business are hoping images taken from security camera footage will result in the offender being identified.

Detective Sergeant Daryl Smith of the Hamilton CIB said a man entered the Clerical Industrial Credit Union premises on the coroner of Victoria and Liverpool Streets shortly after 1pm.

"The man has approached the counter and demanded money from the staff while brandishing a machete in what could be described as a fairly stressful situation.

"Leaving with a small amount of cash the man then fled down Liverpool St in the direction of the Waikato River."

Mr Smith said given the situation the staff found themselves in, it was commendable they maintained their composure and complied with the offender's demands.

"They did all we could ask of them. At the end of the day money can be replaced where as lives cannot."

The offender is described as a male Maori, aged between 20-30-years-old with a pointed chin, of slim build and short to medium height wearing dark sunglasses, a black beanie, nylon jacket, trousers and beige to white shoes.

Anyone who saw anything suspicious in or around the Credit Union building around the time of the robbery is asked to contact Detective Constable Fraser Simpson at the Hamilton Central Police Station on 07 858 6200 .

Alternatively information can be left anonymously with Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 .