Celebrity Chefs Supporting SPCA Blue Tick at Auckland Food Show

Tuesday 26 July 2011, 9:20AM

By Royal New Zealand SPCA


SPCA Approved
SPCA Approved Credit: RNZSPCA


A number of celebrity chefs have lent their support to the SPCA Blue Tick, the Royal New Zealand SPCA’s humane farming brand.

The SPCA Blue Tick will be exhibiting at this weekend’s highly anticipated Auckland Food Show, Thursday 28 – Sunday 31 July. This is the brand’s fifth year exhibiting at the Show, and it has been fortunate enough to be joined this year by some of the biggest names in the New Zealand food industry. Ray McVinnie and MasterChef winner Nadia Lim will spend some time at the SPCA Blue Tick stand during the Show, helping to showcase Blue Tick products in simple recipes that the public will be able to sample.

Chefs Julie Le Clerc, Annabelle White, Simon Holst, Alison Holst, Richard Till and Lauraine Jacobs will also be using SPCA Blue Tick products in their cooking demonstrations in the Electrolux Cooking Theatre at the Show.

The SPCA expects to receive a warm welcome from Aucklanders visiting this weekend’s Show, and is excited about the prospect of educating more consumers on the how the welfare of farmed animals benefits when they choose the Blue Tick in their weekly shop.

“We are delighted at the support the SPCA Blue Tick is receiving this year from celebrity chefs. This confirms the popularity of humane farming in the food industry and is a reflection of growing consumer demands,” says Royal New Zealand SPCA National Accreditation and Marketing Manager, Juliette Banks.

“With the growth of the Blue Tick scheme we are able to fulfill our key objective – getting more animals out of cages,” adds Ms Banks.

The SPCA Blue Tick will be exhibiting at stands 332 and 332A over the weekend, and will be sampling humanely farmed eggs, bacon and pork products.