Aucklanders urged to take advantage of used oil recovery trial

Saturday 30 July 2011, 9:08AM

By Auckland Council



Auckland Council is urging more people to take advantage of a used engine oil recovery trial that’s providing Aucklanders with a free, easy way to safely dispose of their waste engine oil.

Launched by council earlier this year with funding from the Ministry for the Environment and industry partners’ support the oil recovery pilot is off to a good start, however given the potential harm from oil disposed of unsafely council is keen to see the trial achieve even more success.

Infrastructure and Environmental Services Manager John Dragicevich says more than 70,000 litres of used engine oil and 4000kg of associated plastic was recovered and recycled during the first three months’ of the trial via the free drop-off bins introduced around Auckland.

“While this is a good outcome, with an estimated 655,000 litres of recoverable waste oil produced by the region’s households annually and the potential for just one litre of that oil to pollute one million litres of water we would like to see more people taking advantage of trial.

“In particular we’re encouraging DIY mechanics who do their own engine oil changes at home to use the oil recovery bins now available at Repco stores around Auckland and Total Oil’s office in East Tamaki. “

Under the pilot people simply need to put their used engine oil in a sealed leak-proof container, preferably a #2 recyclable container, then put it in the free oil recovery bin at their nearest drop-off location, with collection and subsequent recycling to follow, he explains.

Environment and Sustainability Forum Chairman Wayne Walker says it’s estimated that historically only one third of Auckland households’ used engine oil was disposed of safely, primarily because the majority of residents did not have easy access to safe, convenient disposal services.

“This pilot project addresses that, which is great news for Aucklanders, our environment and all we share it with.”

Auckland Council’s partners in the MfE-supported pilot are: Repco, collection agency ROSE (Recover Oil Save Envrionment), Castrol, Orica, Total Lubricants, Penrite and Fuchs. The pilot is also supported by the Motor Trade Association.

The intention is for the Auckland pilot to lead to a nationwide roll-out within three years.

For more information about the used oil recovery pilot project and drop-off bin locations visit