Minister Congratulates Autism New Zealand

Monday 1 August 2011, 3:47PM

By Rodney Hide


Associate Minister of Education Hon Rodney Hide today congratulated Autism New Zealand on being allocated a $764,500 grant from Pub Charity.

“This grant will allow Autism New Zealand to develop a toolkit to complement other work happening in special education and improve access to education for children and young people on the Autism Spectrum. When finalised, this toolkit will be delivered into every school in the country.

“The challenges for those that fall within the Autism Spectrum are many. Their behaviour and difficulties are too often misunderstood and misinterpreted. This then becomes a major barrier to those children and young people’s participation and achievement in schools.

“This project will be a very positive contribution to the lives of children and their families and is well aligned with the ‘Success for All – Every School, Every Child’ strategy that has come out of the review of special education.

“I would also like to thank Pub Charity for the funding provided and the good work that they do. This grant will make a real difference to students on the Autism Spectrum,” Mr Hide said.