GE Magic Bullet endangers Tourism Industry

Friday 19 August 2011, 9:40AM

By Jimbo Gentry



New Zealand's tourism industry is facing real danger if they believe New Zealand's clean green image won't be damaged by  "magic bullet" GE crops, GE Free New Zealand says.

GE Free New Zealand spokesman Jon Carapiet said the Tourism Industry was the target of research by Otago University marketing department Dr John Knight.

Dr Knight's research concluded GE crops will not damage New Zealand's clean green reputation.

Mr Carapiet previously said Dr Knight's research was “the most outrageous chicanery I have read in my life – it’s a jack up”.

Mr Carapiet said the only way New Zealand could live up to its clean green image was by ensuring it remained GE-free.

He said New Zealand must produce crops which remain GE-free, organic, ethical and sustainable.

TIANZ spokesperson Ann-Marie Johnson said "TIA makes no claim to being scientific experts in this area, so it is not for us to say whether GE crops should ever be grown here." 

"To maximise the economic returns to NZ, both farming and tourism must aim for high yielding, top quality products, " she added.

However, Mr Carapiet said a review by Dr Charles Benbrooke revealed that GE crops have been proven to reduce yield.

Mr Carapiet said Massey University has "shown mixed forage can reduce methane emissions from dairying by 20 % if introduced right now."

"Instead millions of dollars in research funds are being thrown at inventing a magic bullet in the form of GE grass which can be claimed as "Intellectual Property".