High Street ballustrade changes Aug 2011

Tararua District Council

Friday 26 August 2011, 5:51PM

By Tararua District Council


What’s happening in High Street.

For some months now since the main street upgrade was completed, we have had a number of balustrades hit and damaged by mostly long vehicles. These balustrades are designed and situated to protect pedestrians. The extended footpath areas serve to slow traffic and help highlight pedestrian crossings to drivers. The original strategy had also been to encourage trucks to avoid turning movements off the State Highway into these side streets, instead use alternative through routes to service businesses located behind the main street.

Our priority is the safety of the public, therefore, we are planning to have the balustrades “set back” away from the kerb line about 0.8m to minimise further damage. The kerb and channel will not be moved; however, there will be an addition of some steel bollards to still discourage the cutting of corners. These will be sited between the kerb and the new balustrade position. They will give a greater degree of protection for everyone.

There may still be driver errors in the future, but we expect that the risk to the balustrades will now be much reduced. We will continue to have our new ‘look and feel’ to the town, be proud of it and help lift us, as it has through the recent tough economic years.

We are planning to complete the repairs and alterations in the next few weeks. We certainly want the main street looking great again especially for the Rugby World Cup visitors and our contractors who clean the pavers every 3 months will be in to do this shortly.