WBOP Police warning about computer scams

Friday 2 September 2011, 11:01AM

By New Zealand Police



Tauranga Police are warning people not to be taken in by an ongoing computer virus scam.

Senior Sergeant Rob Glencross said that in Tauranga, Police received several calls every day from people who had received these calls and that it is likely that other areas in New Zealand are being similarly targeted. He advised that these calls originated from overseas and that the Police advice to anyone receiving such a call is to simply hang up.

Mr Glencross said that the scam involved cold calls being made to people advising them that their computer has a virus. The caller 'helpfully' takes you through a series of steps giving them remote access to your PC and showing you where the virus is. The caller then offers to sell a service contract and takes credit card details as payment.

"Unfortunately there is no virus and the potential now exists that spyware has been loaded providing remote access to all the information on the computer including bank details, e-mail lists, and information of a personal nature.

'Under no circumstances give anyone information enabling them to remotely access your computer, nor should you give anyone your credit card details' he said.

Mr Glencross said that if anyone suspects there is a problem with their computer they should take it to a local service provider to be checked.

For further advice on this scam and other scams in operation, he suggests that people visit the consumer affairs website ( which provides some excellent information on scams currently doing the rounds.