MPs don't get IT

Saturday 10 September 2011, 9:55AM

By Jimbo Gentry


The New Zealand Computer Society is greatly concerned only a handful of MPs understand the potential of Information and communication technologies and has devised a 10 part plan to address the problem.

The number one priority was to fix ICT education in schools.

Getting kids interested in ICT was fundamental.

The report by Chief Executive Paul Mathews (picture, right) states government can't solve all the ICT problems, but it can take concrete steps to drive Research and Development and innovation.

"We're on the absolute cusp of major innovation-led economic growth but we need to remove the barriers to innovation if we're to be lift things to the next level."

Kiwis need to strongly advocate to MPs about technology in their communities.

"It's election year - the one year in three they're actually listening. Let's work together to ensure they hear the message."

The plan aims to help New Zealand achieve technological success and drive future economic growth.

New Zealand's economic growth is being hampered because there are not enough people working in the right areas of IT.

New Zealand needs to ensure the best and brightest kids get introduced to technology.

New Zealand can't expect more people to consider a career in technology if they're not even exposed to it in schools.

Huge technological success can be achieved but the skill shortage needs to be addressed.

New Zealand needs to significantly grow a culture of innovation.

"There is a significant gap in the entrepreneurial skills driven by a mindset that says: Everyone with a good idea will be a good manager , and success is local rather than global."

NZCS is the professional body of the sector and "dealing with the barriers to innovation is what we do".

The 10 part plan for future economic growth and prosperity

1. Finish fixing ICT education in schools.

2. Government needs to understand the potential of technology.

3. Significantly increase the number of R&D Internships available.

4. Excite kids (and their parents!) about IT as a career.

5. Activate student communities to drive a change in culture.

6. Support and change the mindset of our entrepreneurs.

7. Act professionally .

8. Internationally align ICT degrees and link them closer to industry.

9. Help grow professionals through mentoring and development.

10. Get Ultra-fast Broadband in place.