Improving access to justice for people of Tauranga

Friday 30 September 2011, 6:17PM

By Georgina Te Heuheu


The opening of McLean House at the Tauranga District Court signals the Government's commitment to ensuring court buildings keep pace with 21st century needs and ensuring access to justice, Courts Minister Georgina te Heuheu said today.

"Tauranga is one of the busiest courts in the country, based on the volume of business transacted in the courts here," Mrs te Heuheu says.

"It is ranked sixth by volume of cases and this is primarily a reflection of the growing population in the Western Bay of Plenty.

"The growth of the area has seen the need for increased court services and the facilities afforded by this redevelopment help to meet that need," Mrs te Heuheu says.

McLean House was originally a government building which opened in 1980 and from which a number of government departments operated.

The refurbishment relocates the Family and Civil courts, registry and collections functions, and judges’ chambers immediately adjacent to the criminal court, creating a unified courts precinct.

Tauranga is also a High Court registry and provides facilities for the Maori Land Court and other specialist courts from time to time.

"This magnificent complex will enable the Tauranga Court to deliver the high quality, integrated services to the Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty communities that they can expect, and from an environment that reflects excellence," Mrs te Heuheu says.