Consultation Opens on Earthquake-Prone Buildings Policy

New Plymouth District Council

Wednesday 12 October 2011, 5:33PM

By New Plymouth District Council



New Plymouth District Council is proposing a more active approach to managing earthquake-prone buildings in the district.

A proposed new Earthquake-Prone Buildings Policy has more specifics about identifying such buildings and how any issues will be remedied.

The draft policy, as well as one for dangerous and insanitary buildings, is open for public consultation from this Friday (14 October) until 15 November.

Acting General Manager Community Services Simon Pickford says the Council is required to review these policies, with the draft Earthquake-Prone Buildings Policy taking on increased importance following the damaging earthquakes in Canterbury.

“The Royal Commission into the Canterbury earthquakes will give its final report on building codes and standards in April next year. We may need to update our policy in light of that report, but we can get a good start on improving our own built environment with this draft policy,” he says.

“With this policy we can continue the identification and assessment process of earthquake-prone buildings that began in 2006 and work more actively with building owners.”

Among the changes between the current policy and the proposed draft are:

  • Placing high priority on reducing or removing the danger posed by building elements such as chimneys, facades and verandas over footpaths.
  • Creating a ‘level two’ category of importance for buildings which are not a high priority and so could not be assessed under the current policy.
  • Applying specific timeframes for reducing or removing dangerous building elements depending on the importance of the building, its structural performance and level of risk to adjoining buildings, its neighbouring area and its public use.
  • Reducing from one year to six months the timeframe for building owners to obtain a structural assessment.
  • Working actively with building owners to develop an acceptable approach for dealing with the danger of the building.
  • Specifying the circumstances under which the Council may use its powers under section 124 of the Building Act.


The Earthquake-Prone Buildings Policy will apply to all commercial buildings, and any residential buildings that are two or more storeys high and have three or more housing units.

Copies of both draft policies and submission forms are available at the Civic Centre and libraries, and online at