Get Out There Day

With summer just around the corner it's the perfect time to get outdoors - on foot, in the water, or on your wheels.
Get Out There Day, this Sunday (30 October) at Frank Kitts Park and the lagoon, means you can do just that. It will be a great chance to try out a whole range of free outdoor activities - for all ages and fitness levels. Have a go at unicycling, orienteering, rollerblading, break dancing, fishing and sailing, waka ama and more. Local bands and spot prizes will add to the general atmosphere.
The day will also feature a celebration in Frank Kitts Park of 100 mountain bikes gifted to Wellington from the Mayor of Beijing, Guo Jinlong. This year is the fifth anniversary of the sister-city relationship between Wellington and Beijing and the gift of the bicycles is to recognise these links.
One of the bikes was given to the New Zealand Embassy in Beijing and the remaining 99 have come to Wellington.
Mayor Celia Wade-Brown will 'launch' the bicycles at Sunday's event, which will be attended by the Chairman of Beijing's People's Congress, Mr Du Deyin, and Chinese Ambassador Xu Jianguo.
Mayor Wade-Brown says she is delighted with the gift of the mountain bikes.
"Beijing shares Wellington's goal of promoting cycling and the gift will increase the visibility of cycling in the city," she says. "We enjoy a warm sister-city relationship with Beijing and look forward to a prosperous partnership with them."
The bicycles will be offered to Wellington organisations and groups for their use but because they are a gift to the city, they will still be owned by the Council. Some may be added to the Council's existing bike fleet.
Councillor John Morrison, portfolio leader for sports and recreation, says it is entirely fitting that the Beijing bicycles are unveiled on Get Out There Day.
"It's a great way to encourage Wellingtonians to make the most of the wonderful opportunities we have here for outdoor recreation, and cycling is just one of these," he says.
Two recreation festivals are also being launched on Sunday. The Outdoor Festival and Free Wheeling in Wellington Festival will both be on until December.
The Outdoor Festival has a huge range of activities as well as competitive events for all abilities, including fun runs and walks, triathlons, family outings, fishing competitions, water sports and cycling.
Supported by many clubs and organisations, the festival has become a regular on the Wellington recreation calendar.
Free Wheeling in Wellington is all about fun on wheels for beginners and pros - bike rides on- and off-road, skateboard competitions, rollerblading and roller derby and kite-boarding.
Last year more than 3,000 people took part, and this year's festival has even more events and workshops on offer.
Just get out and have a go!
Get Out There Day
11.00am - 2.00pm, Sunday 30 October
Frank Kitts Park and the lagoon
Beijing Bicycle Celebration
12.15pm - 12.45pm
Amphitheatre in Frank Kitts Park
More Information
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