Say Goodbye To "Faking It" With K-Y® INTENSE® Just one drop and you're on your way

Thursday 27 October 2011, 3:40PM



KY Intense
KY Intense Credit: FUSE PR

Ladies, grab your man, some K-Y® INTENSE® and lock the bedroom door, because this new product from K-Y® promises an even more toe-curling, breath-taking and mind-blowing climax.

With new K-Y® INTENSE® female arousal gel achieving the ultimate climax is made simple. A single drop massaged gently onto the clitoris heightens sensitivity and intensifies your pleasure to explosive proportions. Let the fireworks begin.
In a recent survey* conducted by K-Y® a staggering 80% of Kiwi couples said they wanted more intimacy with their partner. By enhancing the sexual experience, K-Y® INTENSE® can help to bring couples closer and take intimate time together to a whole new level of satisfaction.

According to results, 78% of couples also revealed they enjoy experimenting under the covers, which means K-Y® INTENSE® will be a welcome addition to the bedroom antics of Kiwis everywhere.

With the survey findings and K-Y® brand customers asking for a product to enhance female satisfaction, researchers got down to business and after countless hours in the lab, K-Y® INTENSE® was created.

Now Kiwi couples can reap the rewards, which will be sure to wake up neighbours all over the country and put an end to “faking it” once and for all.

K-Y® INTENSE® is available nationwide at all major supermarkets and selected pharmacies with an RRP of $29.99. To find out more you can visit online at